If you have been thinking about selling your home, perhaps you have been toying with the idea of trying to sell it yourself to save paying a commission to a REALTOR. However, when you consider the amount of time needed to market your home along with the costs of advertising and other incidentals, you may be surprised to discover that not only are you unlikely to save much, it will also likely take much longer to sell your home privately. There is also the chance that you may not get as
much for your home.
Consider also all the documentation, negotiation, and legalities involved in selling a home. It is a tremendous responsibility to single-handedly manage a transaction involving what is probably the largest purchase you have ever made.
Is your time valuable? You will have to consider how much your time is worth and whether you are prepared to sacrifice much of it to show your home to potential buyers. Keep in mind that without the help of a trained REALTOR you will not necessarily be able to distinguish the serious buyers from people who are merely browsing.
Greater Exposure
You want to ensure that the maximum number of potential buyers learn about your home. That’s why it makes sense to work with a REALTOR. REALTORS have access to the Multiple Listing Service® (MLS®) system. MLS® and REALTOR service offer you a tremendous marketing combination. When a REALTOR lists your home on MLS® it gives your home maximum exposure to all other REALTORS in the area. As most buyers also work with a REALTOR, this ensures exposure to a broad range of interested people.
For most people, selling a home is an emotional experience and you will not necessarily be as objective as a REALTOR would be about the value of your home when negotiating a deal. Because of this you may not get the best possible price for your home. REALTORS are highly trained individuals who use their special skills to evaluate your home and suggest a suitable price range, giving you peace of mind and realistic expectations.
Setting a Price
Undoubtedly, setting a price for your home is an important but difficult process. Again, this is where the services of a REALTOR prove invaluable. REALTORS have the experience to help you understand how the market works and decide upon a realistic price that meets your goals. REALTORS also pre-screen potential buyers to make sure only those who are serious and financially qualified view your home.
REALTORS will also develop a marketing plan to help your property receive maximum exposure. This will likely include placing your home on the MLS® system and placing a ‘For Sale’ sign on the front lawn. The plan may also include arranging open houses for other REALTORS and potential buyers, and developing advertisements and feature sheets/mailers to market your home. A REALTOR will also arrange all showings of your property.
Once you have accepted an offer to buy your home, your REALTOR will help ensure that all the proper paperwork is completed. He or she will also make sure that both parties meet the necessary conditions outlined in the agreement.
As you can see, it pays to work with a professional. When you work with a REALTOR you will likely get a better price for your home than if you try to sell it yourself. But quite apart from the financial benefits, there is an extra measure of comfort and security that comes from having a REALTOR on your side. Remember that REALTORS are governed by a strict code of ethics and standards of business practice. They have also been trained and licensed under the provincial Real Estate Act to assist in transactions involving real property. When it comes to buying or selling property, using a REALTOR just makes sense.
And There is More
A REALTOR will make appointments to show your home to potential purchasers and act as a mediator to head off potential conflicts between you and your buyer. A REALTOR will also draw up a legally binding contract to assist you with all the details required to complete the transaction successfully – including presentation of offers.
So if you are thinking of selling your home on your own, think again and carefully consider the numerous advantages of working with a highly trained professional – a REALTOR.